this is the end
1/ An event 2/ The People 3/ Institutions and industries 4/ Words 5/ Worlds
The West is the Best
The public space in times of neoliberal induced uncertainty
And how writers festivals might just save us
It has always been the case from the dawn of media that the controllers of news outlets - newspapers, TV and radio, online - make choices about what to publish and, more significantly, what not to publish. So is there a real need to be especially concerned about Facebook?
Yes, writes the Guardian’s Jemima Kiss in the latest issue of the British Journalism Review. In her article, “A giant that may eat us”, she contends that the world’s leading social media site is exerting both an “increasing domination of internet advertising revenue and control of a significant part of a critical distribution platform.”
Users “willingly pour endless personal information about themselves into Facebook” and that enables the site “to sell targeted advertising around them.”
Before cynics shout about that not being a bad thing (while digital optimists assert that independent, and therefore better, journalism will arise in its place), think of the perils we face without a collective of organised, skilled journalists working for organisations large enough to hold power to account.
The Facebookisation of news has the potential to destabilise democracy by, first, controlling what we read and, second, by destroying the outlets that provide that material.
Fox News has constructed an alternate universe in which the laws of physics no longer apply; the greenhouse effect is a myth and climate change is a hoax...I am not sure how it happened but some time later I found myself on Source Watch and was reading this about Murdoch and the Iraq War.
In March 2003, Speaking at the Milken Institute Global Conference, Murdoch backed Bush government plans to invade Iraq. "We worry about what people think about us too much in this country. We have an inferiority complex, it seems," he said.And then later I'm on Counter Punch reading 'Rupert Murdoch and the Israeli Genie' where author Michael Dickinson is asking of Rupert Murdoch
"I think what's important is that the world respects us, much more important than they love us ... There is going to be collateral damage. And if you really want to be brutal about it, better we get it done now than spread it over months," he said.
Don’t you want people to learn that you are part-owner of an Israeli-American company which has landed a shale oil exploration and production license covering 238 square miles in the Judean Hills and on occupied Syrian land, even though this is plainly illegal under international law?And then the next paragraph makes me go a-ha!
Should not FOX News and Murdoch-owned news outlets disclose this hot story to their millions of viewers and readers? Should they not be made aware that the Murdoch-owned news outlets which generally support U.S. military action against Syria, do not inform their viewers and readers that the bossman has a vested interest in war and the overthrow of the Assad government in Damascus in order to further Genie’s oil exploration efforts in occupied Syria?And this is happening while I am being further distracted by coverage of Australia's prime-minister, Malcolm Turnbull, telling the United Nations how wonderful Australia's asylum seeker policy is. (Malcolm Turnbull tells world leaders to follow Australia's asylum policies)
As today’s leaders gather for their summit sessions, they should remember that history eventually sides with those who help refugees, not with those who vilify them.
The curator’s job sounds relatively simple: just surprise us. Show us something we haven’t seen before, or lately, or in such depth, or with such clarity. Try to avoid the predictable and familiar, the market-approved or academically sanctioned, or what other curators have already done. Try to step outside your museum’s comfort zone or carefully manicured institutional persona with something eccentric, an intuitive leap. After all, there is plenty of art out there.
okay, i confess, I am a marxist... (source here) |
He seemed untroubled in using an ostensible campaign event just a few blocks from the White House to openly promote his personal commercial interests 52 days before the election.
In fact, this past week offered a vivid illustration of how little regard Mr. Trump has for the long-held expectations of America’s leaders. He is not only breaking the country’s political norms, he and his campaign aides are now all but mocking them.
Besides using his campaign as a platform to make money on a new hotel, Mr. Trump leveled an untrue assertion that Hillary Clinton had been the first to claim Mr. Obama was born abroad. He also boasted about his healthon the show of a daytime television celebrity while releasing just his testosterone levels and a few other details about his well-being.And this
Routine falsehoods, unfounded claims and inflammatory language have long been staples of Mr. Trump’s anything-goes campaign. But as the polls tighten and November nears, his behavior, and the implications for the country should he become president, are alarming veteran political observers — and leaving them deeply worried about the precedent being set, regardless of who wins the White House.
“It’s frightening,” said Vin Weber, a former Republican congressman from Minnesota. “Our politics, because of him, is descending to the level of a third-world country. There’s just nothing beneath him. And I don’t know why we would think he would change if he became president. That’s what’s really scary.”Given that corporate America and the apparatus of state has done so much to interfere in "third world countries" it should perhaps not seem strange that America - and its project of disestablishment and manipulation of chaos - has now turned on itself with a weirdness and ugliness it has normally exported. What goes around comes around. The circle becomes complete. And the tension becomes unbearable. (Or, as Yeats said, "The centre can't hold")
Monday Monday, can't trust that day
Monday Monday, sometimes it just turns out that wayMondays are just a tool of capitalist oppression! Robbing you of time and grinding you into conformity!